Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Death By Snot

Currently, I have 4...count them 1.....2.....3.....4....sick children. They all seem to have been struck with one of THOSE colds. The cold that grabs onto the inside of their little noses and never EVER seems to go away. The cold that produces an endless amount of thick, gooey, stick-all-over-everything-it-comes-into-contact-with, green snot......and it's JULY! JULY!!!! They aren't supposed to have these colds in JULY! This is a January cold. July colds are supposed to come and go in a day and a half...TOPS! There is snot ALL OVER THE PLACE. There is snot in hair and on the couch. It's smeared on toys and across walls. There are little dirty, snot-filled tissues spilling out of every garbage can. It's endless!!! If, for some reason, this is the last blog post I do, it's because I have died....drowned....after my house filled up with SNOT!


Mrs. Blimes said...

i think i just threw up in my mouth. so drew beat me to you... are u excited?

Amanda B. said...

I feel your pain- I hate snot. I have one very snotty right now and the other 3 are starting to sniffle a bit thanks to her. Great.... I had the same thoughts about it being July- not January! No fun.... good luck and hoping it goes away soon!

Leah said...

eww! I hope the Jan/July colds go away SOON! can't have death by snot. It's just not right.

Beth Cotell said...


I hope they get rid of the snot ASAP!

4funboys said...


I Hate that... I thought I'd be done with those days when the boys got a little older-

then I remembered a few weeks ago that the only thing worse than 4 sick "snotty" boys... is 4 kids with the flu throwing up.

good luck...
and as my mom used to say,

"and this too shall pass"

(although, a few weeks ago... in the midst of messy sheets and STINKY rooms... it felt like it was "slow goin"

the dragonfly said...

Oh no! How wretched to have four sick kids at once! Hope everyone is feeling better soon...

Becky said...

So then, your children are officially little snots, lol? ;)

Totally kidding! But I feel your pain. We had a looooooong winter of sickness, and I am SO hoping we aren't sick again in our home for years. Too many trips to the E.R. recently, so I think we've had our quota.

Have you tried pulling all the kiddos off of all dairy and anything sugary and sweet for a few days? Mucous thrives with lots of dairy in the diet, and any 'viruses' or other 'bugs' kids pick up thrive in sugars (even 100% fruit juices that are overly 'sweet'. Take those away temporarily, and their immune systems can have a fighting chance at getting rid of it much more quickly. Also, LOTS of vitamin C spread throughout the day (chewable tablets are good).

Have them all wash their hands way more than usual, too, and keep doorknobs and other often touched surfaces as clean as can be. I use a windex solution and a rag and just go around periodically doing knob patrol, lol (that worked to drastically cut down on germs at my 'station' when I was a clerk in the grocery store years ago and had a lot of sick folks sharing the same keypads, phones, etc.).

If all else fails, there are these bottles of saline solution (in nasal dispensers) at the drugstore that work WONDERS on snot and sinus infections (Health food store Netti pots are even better, but I doubt kids would cooperate with that). You have to lay the kids back with heads tilted backward and down slightly (like over the edge of a table or bed), and squeeze some drops of it in their noses, let it sit, them make them blow. Repeat a few times. It's kind of nasty and they might cough and sputter from the process...but it's like salt on a slug...melts the snot away. Works for us, anyway.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...... in snot?
Sorry about the colds. Maybe they didn't get the no colds on July memo.

shannon said...

gross...just gross.