Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Apparently Kyle is 5, going on 15

While I was in Tallahassee, sitting in the dark, I called my husband on my cell phone.

We only talked for a couple of minutes. At one point, I said something to him (I don't remember exactly what) and this short conversation followed:

Me: (Something that I don't remember)
Jason: I didn't hear that. You broke up.
Kyle (in the background to his dad): WHAT?!?
Jason (to Kyle): It's mommy on the phone. She's with Drew and Marquesas.
Kyle (said with great concern in a high pitched voice): WHAT?!?!?! Drew and Marquesas broke up?!?!?!

Kyle is 5 (going on 15...because what 5 year old boy would ever come up with that??). Apparently, he watches too much iCarly.


Anonymous said...

HA HA! that is Funny! I think my kids watch too much iCarly, too!!! ha ha!

Amanda B. said...

That is good.... what a smart kid- and a little scary- that is funny!

dawn klinge said...

What a funny kid...only five years old?!

Jennifer said...

LOL! isn't it funny how fast they learn things!

Kaci said...

LOL! At least there was concern!! HAHAH!

Anonymous said...

lol. That is hilarious!

Leah said...

LOL! oh no! I love how they only take bits of conversations and form their own conclusions...

Porters said...

I can believe it, some of the things my five year old says is crazy. They get it from those dang old siblings. I am sorry but kids are trying to grow up to fast these days. My oldest wants a cell phone, I know I didn't want a cell phone at 8 years old I was still playing with Barbie's.
My kids watch iCarly too, thats were they get all the drama from.